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New Horizons Ministies

The Birth of ...

Last revised:
February 08, 2001

In May 1994, God birthed in me a vision that called for the establishment of a ministry work for the purpose of building and defending the Kingdom of God in the earth. I am happy to introduce New Horizons Ministries.

The mission of New Horizons Ministries is to serve as a catalyst for change in destroying cultural, economic and social barriers using the Word of God as the standard "...for the equipment of the saints, for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God…"(Ephesians 4:12,13). Acts chapter 2:42-47 describes the church as different kinds of people from different places, with different backgrounds and with different life experiences worshipping together in agreement based on belief in and acceptance of Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. We are also establishing an offensive posture against satanic strongholds that cause division and strife that results in weakness in the Body of Christ.

I believe that the 21st century church should be concerned with community salvation with the view to firmly establish the Kingdom of God in this earth. Our mandate is "Keeping Christ the Focus of Attention". To that end, we will minister to the total man, the total family, and the total community as we use the Word of God to withstand unrighteousness, and (after having done all else) to stand for truth. This vision is more than one man can do. You need the church and the church needs you. I need your prayerful consideration to stand with us in your faithful participation and financial support as we bring this vision to pass. I believe that God has called us to fulfill this ministry assignment and through working together, we will be very effective in exporting the influence of the Kingdom of Heaven in this earth.

Eddie Stallworth-Cherry, Jr. - Pastor

About The Katy Church